
Learn From a Dumb Coach!

Good evening.

Many times over the years as a running coach, I have had runners talk to me about the pain they were experiencing and while some I could guess (IT Band), others were beyond my skillset. In most cases I suggested seeing a doctor, and the response to that was never positive. Sometimes…

Today I had an appointment with an orthopedic doctor, who I assumed would look at my calf and direct me to physical therapy. However, because this calf has been a problem for over 18 months, he had me get an x-ray from my foot to the bottom of my knee. After checking my entire leg out, he turned and brought up the x-ray. As he looked, he noticed some growth spots along various parts of my tibia. He was not sure what the cause was, but he was concerned. He left to go look at the x-rays on a larger screen and to confer with another doctor. When he returned he showed me a blown-up version of the x-ray and pointed out what was once a tibia fracture. Some time over the last 2 years, I had a fractured tibia! Well, that is crazy!

Now some science. When we fracture a bone, the particles separate and that is referred to osteoclast. When the bone starts to heal it goes into what they call remodeling and new bonne is created (osteoblast). The spots he was seeing along my tibia were the results of the new bone creation. Unfortunately, because the fracture was not none, the remodeling and healing process has been derailed. It is not that I am not healing, just that I have not allowed proper rest for the area while it remodels.

It is tough to hear 8 weeks of no running, but it is great to know that there is a reason for my pain. I will be going back in 8 weeks and they will take another x-ray and if everything looks fully developed, I will begin the process of running again! Thankfully I can continue my strength training, minus any propulsion of the foot. It has been a frustrating time for me and now I feel like there is hope.

I know many of you are thinking if I had just gone to see a doctor sooner, I would be running now! You would be right! Learn from my mistake!

Have a great week!

God Bless!
