
Sunday Brunch with Mike

Good morning!

Grab your coffee and pull up a stool.

It is a beautiful morning here in New Hampshire. I am a bit behind schedule but who cares, I will get to where I want to be.

Today I was going to run the Runner’s Alley Cisco Brewers Portsmouth 5K virtual race, however a good friend asked if I wanted to run it Tuesday with them, so that is my new plan. While running is an individual activity for which I like for many reasons, I also very much like running with friends. Running post-hip surgery has been a challenge, and one which has probably been best done alone, but I am more than ready to have some company. Knowing my friends desire to go easy, also makes the option appealing.

My last race was over a year ago when I ran the “Run Before You Crawl” 5K in Dover. I remember how brutal the race was on me, as I had to drag the left side of my body against nearly 30 mph winds! I will not say the left side of my body is now 100 percent, but mentally, I feel better about it. I will also begin a clean slate of personal records (PRs). So Tuesday’s race will be my new 5K PR.

Aerobics may be a smart workout for your brain at any age

Each new study continues to tell us the same things. Exercise makes real meaningful difference in all aspects of our physical and mental wellness. Whether it be the value of mobility and resistance training for maintaining an active functional life or in this case, staying aerobically strong, which benefits our cognitive capabilities. Yet it would seem much of our population are not getting it!

NFLF is open and ready…

With states beginning to open things back up with some restrictions, I am grateful our NFLF Center is structured sufficiently for healthy, safe, and socially acceptable personal training. Being small and private allows us to maintain a well sanitized environment with controlled occupancy. We will conduct one on one and partner training only for the time being. We may also start a training group for runners in June, but that will be outside. Our priority will always be the safety and health of our clients, so no matter what the state requires, we will do whatever necessary to protect our valued clients.

I started chatting in the morning and it has now turned to afternoon. I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day and capping off a great weekend! Be sure to come by our Facebook Live on Wednesday at 1:00 pm for our “Open Gym”. We will continue to help with a mobility focused workout.

God Bless and take care!
